The Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive species of beetles that was accidentally introduced from Asia to the US. They are responsible for the death of thousands of Ash Trees across the Eastern Seaboard and the Midwest. They only infest and attack Ash Trees, but are still a major threat not only to our local environment and ecosystem, but also your home and property’s safety and integrity. At Blessing Tree Services, we treat and exterminate the infestation, taking every measure to save the tree, unlike the other guys that just remove the tree and move along.
Read the warning signs below to see if your ailing tree might be affected by Emerald Ash Borers.
- Ash Canopy Dieback
- Secondary Shoots
- Splitting Bark
- Serpentine Galleries
- D-Shaped Exit Holes
- Unusual Woodpecker Activity
The earliest sign is generally “dieback”, which is the death of leaves, twigs, branches, and roots starting from the top of the tree and progressing downward as the years go on. There are other ailments which cause dieback in trees, so if you notice this, we diagnose all tree issues–not just Borers. Secondary shoots are commonly the next phase of the infestation. As the larvae feed on the tree’s vascular tissue, they cut off water, food, and nutrients to other parts of the tree, and so the tree attempts to correct and repair the damage by growing new branches, twigs, and shoots from secondary locations along the infected branch.
The tree may also attempt to cut off the section infested with larvae by developing a hard, corky, “scar” tissue, which pushes the bark and causes a visible split on the outside. When these splits appear in the bark and begin to grow wider, you may begin to see serpentine galleries where the larvae are burrowing through the flesh of the tree. When the larvae grow into adult forms, they dig in and out of the tree leaving D-shaped holes in the wood/bark.
These bugs and larvae attract birds such as woodpeckers. The woodpeckers are efficient and eat a lot of the infestation, but they cannot do enough to remove the infestation entirely or control the situation. Additionally, woodpeckers damage the bark of the tree, creating a blonding effect as the bark becomes damaged and falls away.
Our services include the removal of the infestation, and we do everything we can to save the trees. Of course, it’s not always as effective as one might hope and we might need to remove the tree. We do all of this work quickly, safely, and affordably. We’re proud to be servicing homes and businesses all over New Jersey and blessing trees everywhere we go!
For more information, visit our website or call (862) 268-5412.